Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Kursus internet Marketing Gratis. Lesson 2

How you will earn money?

There are many ways to make money online...1000's of different ways in fact! The problem is that people often get distracted by the "latest and greatest" product or service and they are never able to build a successful (and revenue generating) business.

Today we are going to run you through one of the most fundamental, yet the most powerful processes of generating revenue online. It is a proven technique, it is one that we use, and one that 10,000's of other WA members use. It is also the ultimate "making money" process that worked 5 years ago and it is going to work 5 years from now and will present as much opportunity in the massive online world as you like

Just one thing before you get into the MONEY "stuff"...

The making money part of your business won't happen quite yet. Before you earn money, you are going to first be focusing on creating your niche website (which will take place in the next two lessons) and the working to get traffic to your website. Without a website, without content, and without traffic, the MONEY doesn't happen.

So don't look at this like a race. You will reach success and a good deal of it, but before you build your own personal SKYSCRAPER of a business, you must first have a solid foundation to build it on. That is going to be our first goal within the Getting Started training. Cool?

Alright, let's continue on! :)

Below is a video walk-through of today's lesson and the process of "how to make money online". Just click the PLAY button to watch it!
DISCUSS THIS VIDEO HERE: How to Make Money Online - The Process Explained

Over the coming days you are going to be working through this process and by the end of this phase of the training you are going to have an awesome foundation in place that will lead you to much greater success.

You are going to have your own website in a niche of your choice. Once you have these things in place, you are going to be able to create as much success as you want online.

Task #1: Understand the Make Money Process

There are MANY different ways that you can earn money online and many different ways in which you can build an entire business. In the coming lessons we are going to be walking you through the following process (and the video above explains it):

View the Full Size Infographic Here
There are 2 billion people (the audience) online and these people are looking (searching) for things all the time. They are looking for information and to buy products. That is where you are going to come in with your website and help these "audiences" by offering them information about what they are looking. You will be "helping" these people and earning revenue in the process.

By Lesson 4 of this course you are going to have your very own website in place that you will use to connect with your chosen audience. You will have your very own piece of the internet and a platform to connect anyone that you want who browses the Internet.

Here is a tutorial walking you through 6 of the ways that you are going to be able to earn MONEY from your website...

READ TUTORIAL: 6 Ways to Make Money With Your Wordpress Blog

Task #2: Create (Write Down) Your Financial Goals

You want to earn revenue right? That is great. In order to earn anything however, you need to have some goals in place.

In this task we want you to join in on a "money goals" discussion here at Wealthy Affiliate. You are going to be telling us what your goals are and going forward, we are going to be helping you achieve these very goals!

QUESTION #1: How much money would you be happy earning?

QUESTION #2: How much would you be ecstatic earning?

QUESTION #3: And how much TIME are you willing to invest to achieve these goals?

PLEASE make 100% sure that you do not skip this step and you revisit this post regularly when you are in need of some motivation. I can absolutely assure you that if you work hard at this and you are persistent towards these goals, you will achieve them. But ultimately it is UP TO YOU!

Join Discussion: What are your "money" goals?
In addition to this, it would be wonderful if you commented on someone else's goals they have posted within this thread. Aim to comment on at least two people's goals. You likely can network with many other "like minded" people here at Wealthy Affiliate and this is a good way to get this rolling. Remember, this is a community and a very helpful and friendly one! :)

Task #3: Create Your Non-Financial Goals

Success is not just about money and how much revenue you can earn online. Creating and building tangible online assets are a huge success and monumental in the development of your business. Overcoming technical hurdles is a success. Building a website is a success. Choosing a niche is a success. Learning new information is a success. Freeing up more time for your family is a success. Doing something that you love is a success. Helping others is a success.

I want you to create some short term and long term "NON" financial goals today. These could be anything really.

Write down a list of things that you want to accomplish in:

The next 10 days.
The next 30 days.
The next 6 months.
The next year.

Remember, these goals cannot involve money. They have to involve something that is non-financial but can absolutely be part of your business building process. Write these down as well (could be on the same piece of paper) and keep safe.

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